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Abroma Augusta MT

Homeopathy Medicine

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      (Inc. of all taxes)
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    • 30ml
    • Abroma Augusta MT
    • Rs. 80.00
      2 % OFF
    • Rs. 78.40
    • Rs. 78.40

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Burnett’s Abroma Augusta Mother Tincture treats various health issues. Primarily, it helps cure Diabetes-related problems and their related health complications. It is also potent ...

Abroma Augusta Herb along with Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) and as per the guidelines of the HPI.

It has cardinal usage in diabetes and its related disease. 

It is helpful for the treatment of Insomnia. 

It is beneficial for controlling Albuminuria and Enuresis (unable to control the flow urine flow

It helps cure debility and exhaustion in our bodies.  

It is helpful for Eye infections (such as Conjunctivitis). Fever and Cold. 

It helps improve Vertigo-like issues as well as migration problems. 

It is also relevant for Digestive problems such as gas accumulation and constipation. 

It also works as a potent laxative. 

It helps relives sexual debilities in men. 

इसका मधुमेह और इससे संबंधित रोग में कार्डिनल उपयोग है। 

यह अनिद्रा के उपचार में सहायक है। 

यह अल्बुमिनुरिया और एन्यूरिसिस को नियंत्रित करने के लिए फायदेमंद है (प्रवाह मूत्र प्रवाह को नियंत्रित करने में असमर्थयह)

 हमारे शरीर में दुर्बलता और थकावट को ठीक करने में मदद करता है। 

यह आंखों के संक्रमण (जैसे नेत्रश्लेष्मलाशोथ) के लिए सहायक है। 

बुखार और सर्दी। 

यह चक्कर जैसी समस्याओं को भी सुधारने में मदद करता है। 

प्रवासन समस्याओं के रूप में। 

यह गैस संचय और कब्ज जैसी पाचन समस्याओं के लिए भी प्रासंगिक है। 

यह एक शक्तिशाली रेचक के रूप में भी काम करता है। 

यह पुरुषों में यौन दुर्बलताओं को दूर करने में मदद करता है।

ডায়াবেটিস এবং এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত রোগে এটির মূল ব্যবহার রয়েছে। 

এটি অনিদ্রার চিকিত্সার জন্য সহায়ক। 

এটি অ্যালবুমিনুরিয়া এবং এনুরেসিস নিয়ন্ত্রণের জন্য উপকারী (যাতে প্রস্রাবের প্রবাহ নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে অক্ষম)। 

এটি আমাদের শরীরে দুর্বলতা এবং ক্লান্তি নিরাময়ে সহায়তা করে। 

এটি চোখের সংক্রমণের জন্য সহায়ক (যেমন কনজাংটিভাইটিস)। 

জ্বর এবং সর্দি ঠিক করতে সাহায্য করে । 

এটি ভার্টিগো-এর মতো সমস্যাগুলিকেও ঠিক করতে সাহায্য করে। 

মাইগ্রেশন সমস্যায় কাজ করে। 

এটি গ্যাস-জমা  এবং কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্যের মতো হজমের সমস্যাগুলির জন্যও প্রাসঙ্গিক। 

এটি একটি শক্তিশালী রেচক হিসাবেও কাজ করে। 

এটি পুরুষদের যৌন দুর্বলতা দূর করতে সাহায্য করে।

30 to 40 drops with half a cup of water three times a day before meal. Or take the medicine as per the direction of the physician. 

एब्रोमा ऑगस्टा हर्ब के साथ एक्स्ट्रा न्यूट्रल अल्कोहल (ENA) और एचपीआई के दिशानिर्देशों के अनुसार।

Abroma Augusta  হার্ব এবং এক্সট্রা নিউট্রাল অ্যালকোহল (ENA) - HPI-এর নির্দেশিকা অনুযায়ী।

Burnett’s Abroma Augusta Mother Tincture treats various health issues. Primarily, it helps cure Diabetes-related problems and their related health complications. It is also potent for Insomnia, Fatigue and Menstrual problems. 

 You can get Burnett’s products in your nearby locations; just type in your preferred search engine, e.g. Burnett’s mother tincture at homeo medical store near me.

Commonly known as Devil’s cotton. 

Highlighted Points

  • It has cardinal usage in diabetes (1) and its related disease. 
  • It is helpful for the treatment of Insomnia. 
  • It is beneficial for controlling Albuminuria (2) and Enuresis (3) (unable to control the flow of urine). 
  • It helps cure debility and exhaustion in our bodies.  
  • It is helpful for Eye infections (such as Conjunctivitis). Fever and Cold. 
  • It helps improve Vertigo-like issues as well as migration problems. 
  • It is also relevant for Digestive problems such as gas accumulation and constipation. 
  • It also works as a potent laxative (4). 
  • It helps relives sexual debilities in men. 

Detailed Indications

For Mind

  • Even in a normal situation, irritated people tend to forget quite often — people who are generally ill-tempered. 
  • Adversity towards working. A feeling of weakness in the mind. 

For Head

  • Patients can feel pressure on their heads. Their head seems heavy in the morning bed. 

For Eyes

  • One can feel his/ her eyes getting weary — the presence of water in the eyes (in above-normal quantity). The complication is Burning of the eyes and Eye infections, e.g. Conjunctabvites. 

For Nose & Mouth

  • Useful for sneezing. Yellow substance discharges from the nasal cavity. 
  • Dryness in mouth. Lips are getting discoloured and dry. 

For Throats

  • One feels the urge to drink liquid to relive their thrust. 
  • An unquenchable thrust all day long. However, drinking liquid will not be a solution. 

For Stomach Area

  • One feels a ravenous hunger in their stomach. 
  • Cravings for sweets. 
  • One feels that he/ she is physically exhausted and weakened due to hunger. 
  • When one feels that his/ her stomach is empty at a constant level. 
  • The feeling that food does not pass from the stomach. 

For Anus Area and Discharging 

  • When one is suffering from constipation. Pain in the time of stool discharge. The black colour of the stool. Presence of mucus in the stool. 
  • For Urinary Problems.
  • Urge to discharge urine frequently.
  • Only after discharging a large amount of urine will one feel relieved. 
  • Involuntary urination, especially in bed. 

For Male Sexual Issues

  • Debility in sexual organs. A sensation of swelling in the testicles. 
  • One will be significantly tired after intercourse. 

For Female Issues

  • Irregularity in menstrual cycles. 
  • One can see the discharged blood has a darkish texture, and clots are found. 
  • Long-lasting or short-spanning menstrual cycle. 

For Pain

  • Pain in joints (knee joints). 
  • Pain in the back after standing or sleeping for a long time. 
  • Pain in muscle due to movement. 
  • Cramps in muscle. 
  • Difficulty in free movement. 

For Skins

  • Boiles in skins regardless of their size in summer. 
  • The desire for constant itching. 

Please Note

  • Keep the medicine bottle in a cool place and away from sunlight.
  • Keep it distanced from children.
  • Shake well before use.
  • Enclosed the cap well after use.
  • Similar drugs like Burnett’s Abroma Augusta Mother Tincture are

Description of the Used Terms

(1) Diabetes occurs in our body due to increased blood sugar or blood glucose. In this situation, Pancrease (which secretes the Insulin hormone) fails to regulate the blood sugar level, damaging our heart, kidneys, nervous system and blood vessels. India has about 75 million Diabetes patients, which can rise 1.8 times in the next forty years.

(2) Albuminuria is a urinary disease where our kidneys fail to retain Albumin. Albumin passes from our blood to our urine, increasing Albumin levels in the blood. Albuminuria can be a sign of chronic kidney or heart-related problems. 

(3) Enuresis is a health complication in which patients cannot voluntarily hold their bladder. It is a prevalent problem found in children. However, adults can also develop this issue.

(4) A laxative is a medicine that relieves constipation by increasing stool frequency and mobility. 

Information for Doctors

  • Manufactured By: Burnett Research Laboratory, ISO 9001:2015 & GMP Certified Laboratory
  • Laboratory Address (Registered Office): Kalachandpara, Duttapukur, North 24 PGS, West Bengal, Pin: 743248. 
  • Email us at [email protected] 
  • Our Website Address: www.burnettresearchlab.com 

Manufactured By: Burnett Research Laboratory, ISO 9001:2015 & GMP Certified Laboratory

Laboratory Address (Registered Office): Kalachandpara, Duttapukur, North 24 PGS, West Bengal, Pin: 743248. 

Email us at [email protected] 

Our Website Address: www.burnettresearchlab.com 

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