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Acidum picricum MT

Homeopathy Medicine

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    • MRP Rs.
      (Inc. of all taxes)
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    • 30ml
    • Acidum picricum MT
    • Rs. 85.00
      4 % OFF
    • Rs. 81.60
    • Rs. 81.60

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Acidum Picricum Mother Tincture, also known as Picric Acid, is helpful for people experiencing mental fatigue. Mental exertion can slow down the mind, body, and other organs, eventually leading to failure. Before it gets to that point, this remedy addresses symptoms like blood in the urine, reduced urge to urinate, dizziness, and headaches from over-focusing. It also helps with lack of interest, concentration, willpower, forgetfulness, and fear of failure.

Picric Acid

- Helps with weak memory and lack of willpower

- Relieves headaches from mental exertion

- Treats scanty urine with blood

- Useful for kidney issues

- Reduces fatigue and supports healthy red blood cells

- Relieves pain in the testicles

- Reduces itching in the vulva caused by vaginal discharge

- Eases backache with a burning sensation in the spine

- कमजोर याददाश्त और इच्छाशक्ति की कमी में मदद करता है

- मानसिक परिश्रम से होने वाले सिरदर्द से राहत मिलती है

- खून के साथ कम पेशाब का इलाज करता है

- किडनी संबंधी समस्याओं के लिए उपयोगी

- थकान कम करता है और स्वस्थ लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं का समर्थन करता है

- अंडकोष में दर्द से राहत मिलती है

- योनि स्राव के कारण योनी में होने वाली खुजली को कम करता है

- रीढ़ की हड्डी में जलन के साथ पीठ दर्द को कम करता है

- দুর্বল স্মৃতিশক্তি এবং ইচ্ছাশক্তির অভাবের সাথে সাহায্য করে

- মানসিক পরিশ্রমের ফলে সৃষ্ট মাথাব্যথা থেকে মুক্তি দেয়

- রক্ত ​​দিয়ে ঘন ঘন প্রস্রাবের চিকিৎসা করে

- কিডনি সংক্রান্ত সমস্যায় উপকারী

- ক্লান্তি কমায় এবং স্বাস্থ্যকর লোহিত রক্তকণিকাকে সমর্থন করে

- অণ্ডকোষের ব্যথা থেকে মুক্তি দেয়

- যোনি স্রাব দ্বারা সৃষ্ট যোনি চুলকানি কমায়

- মেরুদণ্ডের জ্বালার সাথে যুক্ত পিঠের ব্যথা কমায়

- as directed by  your personal doctor. Maintain a gap of half an hour before and after taking this remedy, and avoid intense flavours



**Acidum Picricum Mother Tincture (Picric Acid)**


Acidum Picricum Mother Tincture, also known as Picric Acid, is helpful for people experiencing mental fatigue. Mental exertion can slow down the mind, body, and other organs, eventually leading to failure. Before it gets to that point, this remedy addresses symptoms like blood in the urine, reduced urge to urinate, dizziness, and headaches from over-focusing. It also helps with lack of interest, concentration, willpower, forgetfulness, and fear of failure.


**Key Ingredient:**

- Picric Acid


**Key Benefits:**

- Helps with weak memory and lack of willpower

- Relieves headaches from mental exertion

- Treats scanty urine with blood

- Useful for kidney issues

- Reduces fatigue and supports healthy red blood cells

- Relieves pain in the testicles

- Reduces itching in the vulva caused by vaginal discharge

- Eases backache with a burning sensation in the spine


**Directions for Use:**

- as directed by  your personal doctor. Maintain a gap of half an hour before and after taking this remedy, and avoid intense flavours.


**Safety Information:**

- Read the label carefully before use

- Do not exceed the recommended dosage

- Keep out of reach of children

- Use under medical supervision

- Store in a cool, dry place

**Acidum Picricum Mother Tincture (Picric Acid)**


Acidum Picricum Mother Tincture, also known as Picric Acid, is helpful for people experiencing mental fatigue. Mental exertion can slow down the mind, body, and other organs, eventually leading to failure. Before it gets to that point, this remedy addresses symptoms like blood in the urine, reduced urge to urinate, dizziness, and headaches from over-focusing. It also helps with lack of interest, concentration, willpower, forgetfulness, and fear of failure.


**Key Ingredient:**

- Picric Acid


**Key Benefits:**

- Helps with weak memory and lack of willpower

- Relieves headaches from mental exertion

- Treats scanty urine with blood

- Useful for kidney issues

- Reduces fatigue and supports healthy red blood cells

- Relieves pain in the testicles

- Reduces itching in the vulva caused by vaginal discharge

- Eases backache with a burning sensation in the spine


**Directions for Use:**

- as directed by  your personal doctor. Maintain a gap of half an hour before and after taking this remedy, and avoid intense flavours.


**Safety Information:**

- Read the label carefully before use

- Do not exceed the recommended dosage

- Keep out of reach of children

- Use under medical supervision

- Store in a cool, dry place

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