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Aconitum Napellus MT

Homeopathy Medicine

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    • 30ml
    • Aconitum Napellus MT
    • Rs. 110.00
      9 % OFF
    • Rs. 100.10
    • Rs. 100.10

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Aconitum Napellus Mother Tincture is a homeopathic medicine that helps with physical or mental restlessness. It relieves head heaviness, pressure inside the brain, and burning headaches. It also benefits the eyes by reducing inflammation and redness. Additionally, it helps with stomach problems like gastritis and burning pain.

Aconitum Napellus herb along with Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) and as per the guidelines of HPI.

Burnett's Napellus Mother Tincture is an overall nerve tonic.

It is an effective medicine for ameliorating intolerable headaches and migraine issues, especially those that seem to burst the veins of the head.

It helps reduce the feelings of heaviness in a patient’s head.

It is effective in case of a person absorbs unexpected trauma or gets frightened.

It is an excellent medicine for extreme feelings such as mental anxiety, sudden episode of nervous emotion etc.

It is also helpful for issues such as bleeding from the nose, continuous and irritating sneezing episodes and cold.

It is helpful for patients who suffer from high-intensity fevers.

Eye irritation and eye burning can be relieved with it.

It helps treat digestive issues such as vomiting and bloated feelings in the abdomen area.

This medicine is effective for coughs that build up in the chest and cannot be cleared.

It is also helpful to treat breath shortness.

It is found to be effective in treating Hepatitis, Jaundice, and Pneumonia.

It is also used to break episodes of epilepsy.

Burnett's Napellus Mother Tincture एक संपूर्ण तंत्रिका टॉनिक है।

यह असहनीय सिरदर्द और माइग्रेन की समस्याओं को दूर करने के लिए एक प्रभावी दवा है, विशेष रूप से वे जो सिर की नसें फटने लगती हैं।

यह रोगी के सिर में भारीपन की भावना को कम करने में मदद करता है।

यह उस स्थिति में प्रभावी होता है जब कोई व्यक्ति अप्रत्याशित आघात को अवशोषित कर लेता है या भयभीत हो जाता है।

यह अत्यधिक भावनाओं जैसे मानसिक चिंता, तंत्रिका भावना के अचानक प्रकरण आदि के लिए एक उत्कृष्ट दवा है।

 यह नाक से खून बहने, लगातार और परेशान छींकने और ठंड जैसी समस्याओं के लिए भी सहायक है। • यह उन रोगियों के लिए सहायक है जो उच्च तीव्रता वाले बुखार से पीड़ित हैं।

इससे आंखों में जलन और आंखों की जलन से राहत मिल सकती है।

यह पेट के क्षेत्र में उल्टी और सूजन जैसी पाचन संबंधी समस्याओं का इलाज करने में मदद करता है।

यह दवा छाती में बनने वाली खांसी के लिए प्रभावी है और इसे साफ नहीं किया जा सकता है।

यह सांस की तकलीफ (डिस्पेनिया) के इलाज में भी सहायक है।

 यह हेपेटाइटिस, पीलिया और निमोनिया के इलाज में कारगर पाया गया है।

इसका उपयोग मिर्गी के दौरे को तोड़ने के लिए भी किया जाता है।

Burnett's Napellus Mother Tincture একটি সামগ্রিক স্নায়ু টনিক।

এটি অসহনীয় মাথাব্যথা এবং মাইগ্রেনের সমস্যাগুলি উপশম করার জন্য একটি কার্যকর ওষুধ, বিশেষ করে যেগুলি মাথার শিরা ফেটে যায় বলে মনে হয়৷

এটি রোগীর মাথার ভারী হওয়ার অনুভূতি কমাতে সাহায্য করে৷ একজন ব্যক্তি অপ্রত্যাশিত ট্রমা শোষণ করলে বা ভয় পেয়ে গেলে এটি কার্যকর।

মানসিক উদ্বেগ, স্নায়বিক আবেগের আকস্মিক পর্ব ইত্যাদির মতো চরম অনুভূতির জন্য এটি একটি চমৎকার ওষুধ।

এটি নাক থেকে রক্তপাত, ক্রমাগত এবং বিরক্তিকর হাঁচি পর্ব এবং ঠান্ডার মতো সমস্যাগুলির জন্যও সহায়ক।

উচ্চ-তীব্র জ্বরে আক্রান্ত রোগীদের জন্য এটি সহায়ক। চোখের জ্বালা এবং চোখ জ্বালাপোড়া থেকে মুক্তি পাওয়া যায়।

এটি হজম সংক্রান্ত সমস্যা যেমন বমি এবং পেটের অংশে ফুলে যাওয়া অনুভূতির চিকিত্সা করতে সাহায্য করে৷

এই ওষুধটি কাশির জন্য কার্যকর যা বুকে জমা হয় এবং পরিষ্কার করা যায় না৷

এটি শ্বাসকষ্টের (Dyspnea) চিকিত্সার জন্যও সহায়ক৷

এটি হেপাটাইটিস, জন্ডিস এবং নিউমোনিয়ার চিকিৎসায় কার্যকর বলে পাওয়া যায়।

এটি মৃগী রোগের পর্বগুলি ভাঙতেও ব্যবহৃত হয়।

30 to 40 drops with a half cup of water three times daily before a meal. 

Or take the medicine as per the direction of the physician.  

भोजन से पहले दिन में तीन बार आधा कप पानी के साथ 30 से 40 बूँदें। 

या फिर चिकित्सक के निर्देशानुसार ही दवा लें।

30 থেকে 40 ফোঁটা আধা কাপ জলের সাথে দিনে তিনবার খাবারের আগে। 

অথবা, চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ অনুযায়ী ওষুধ খান।

Burnett’s Aconitum Napellus Mother Tincture is used to treat various health issues. Its primary use is to relieve the discontent and uneasiness of our body, both mental and physical issues. It is helpful for multiple head complications, such as migration problems, the sensation of constraint and a heavy head. In addition to that, Aconitum Napellus also helps treat digestive problems. 

You can get Burnett’s products in your nearby locations; just type in your preferred search engine, e.g. Burnett’s mother tincture, at homeo medical store near me.

Commonly used ingredient is Monkshood. 

Highlighted Points

  • Burnett's Napellus Mother Tincture is an overall nerve tonic. 
  • It is an effective medicine for ameliorating intolerable headaches and migraine issues, especially those that seem to burst the veins of the head.
  • It helps reduce the feelings of heaviness in a patient’s head. 
  • It is effective in case of a person absorbs unexpected trauma or gets frightened. 
  • It is an excellent medicine for extreme feelings such as mental anxiety, sudden episode of nervous emotion etc. 
  • It is also helpful for issues such as bleeding from the nose, continuous and irritating sneezing episodes and cold. 
  • It is helpful for patients who suffer from high-intensity fevers.
  • Eye irritation and eye burning can be relieved with it. 
  • It helps treat digestive issues such as vomiting and bloated feelings in the abdomen area.
  • This medicine is effective for coughs that build up in the chest and cannot be cleared.
  • It is also helpful to treat breath shortness (Dyspnea). 
  • It is found to be effective in treating Hepatitis, Jaundice, and Pneumonia. 
  • It is also used to break episodes of epilepsy. 

Detailed Indications

For Mind

  • When a person experiences great fear, or he/ she is fearful of health-related problems. 
  • The mind is always restless. 
  • An individual who panics abruptly and violently, and due to those panic attacks, he/ she expensive short breath, vertigo, numb head and body, abnormal perspiration and fainting. 
  • Episodes of anxiety. Continuous worry. 
  • A dreadful fear of death of feelings that death is very near. 
  • A grunch sensation in mind. 
  • When it seems that the mind is going mad. 
  • Unconsciousness. 
  • Fear of Agoraphobia (fear of crowded places and open spaces).
  • Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed as well as narrow spaces; the fear of riding Elevators). 
  • Nyctophobia (Fear of the dark).
  • Cardiophobia (Fear that one may experience a heart attack and result in heart palpitations and chest aches). 
  • Aerophobia (Fear of flying on an aeroplane as if the person will die in an aeroplane accident). Aerophobia can trigger when the plane lands, takes-offs, or gets locked inside the aircraft.
  • Seismophobia (when a person has already experienced unparalleled trauma due to earthquakes.)

For Sleep

  • Formation of anxiety during dreaming. 
  • Episodes of consistent nightmares. 
  • The problem of Sleeplessness (Insomnia).

For Fever

  • The uneasy feeling of coldness during fever episodes. As if the face is cold and sweat is chilled. 
  • Burnett’s Aconitum Napellus is an excellent medicine for high fever. This highly effective in-house mother tincture is also an essential ingredient of Burnett’s Templex (Researched and manufactured for fevers).  

For Head

  • Intolerable and overwhelming headaches. 
  • A feeling as if the inside of the head is burning violently. 
  • As if the head is heavy, pulsating and about to burst. 
  • If the pressure inside the skull increases, violent migration can occur, and the Intracranial pressure can severely damage the nervous system.

For Eyes

  • Redness in eyes.
  • Inflammation in eyes. 
  • Dryness, which seems like sand, is in the eyes. 
  • Swollen eyelids. 
  • Sensitivity to light. 
  • Continuous watering from the eyes after staying in cold and dry winds. 
  • In severe conditions like Intraocular Hemorrhages (Bleeding inside the eyes). Intraocular Haemorrahges may cause due to physical injury to the eye, high blood pressure, and Diabetes. If the condition persists, it can lead to blindness. 

For Ear

  • Abnormal sensitivity of hearing and painful hearing experience of noises. 
  • When a person cannot listen to music. 
  • The outer region of the ears is swollen, reddish and hot. 
  • Pain in the ear canals. 

For Nose

  • Acute sensitivity to smell. 
  • Episodes of Epistaxis (when blood comes out of the nose). 
  • Violent sneezing. 
  • Dry Mucous Membrane.

For Face

  • If the face is swollen, red and hot. 
  • One side of the face is red, and the other is bloodless and whitish. 
  • Numbness in one side of the face. 
  • Experience of Neuralgia (Severe pain formation in the nerves as if the part of the body is burning or stitching sensation. Neuralgia can be caused due to damaged nerves). 
  • Pain in the Jaws. 

For Mouth

  • Buring of tongue and lips. 
  • When someone experiences numbness and tingling sensations inside and around the lips. 
  • Bitter taste in the mouth.
  • Sensitivity of teeth due to cold. 
  • Swollen tongue. 

For Throat

  • Burning and stinging sensation in the throat region. 
  • Numbness in the throat. 
  • Swollen tonsils. 
  • Having trouble swallowing food. 

For Digestive System

  • If a person desires to drink a large amount of cold water. 
  • The problem of gastritis even from drinking water.
  • Burning sensation from Oesophagous to the stomach. 
  • Vomiting. 
  • The bitter taste of every food tasted. 
  • If the substances extracted with vomits are bloody, bilious and mucous.
  • Feeling of pressure in the stomach with short breath. 
  • Burning sensation in the umbilical part of the abdomen. 
  • Hot and burning stomach. 
  • Tympanitic and tense swelling of the abdomen region.
  • As if the complications get better after consuming warm liquids. 
  • Stitching pain in the anus during the night and at the time of defecation. 
  • Bleeding Haemorrhoids from the anus. 
  • Liquid Diarrhoea in small children become restless and sleepless due to these issues. 
  • Green and small stool with frequent urge to defecate. 

For Urinary System

  • Red hot and painful urination experience. 
  • Lower percentage of urine passing. 
  • Burning of the bladder and the Urethra. 
  • As if the urine has been suppressed and blood. 
  • If a person is anxious to start discharging due to the pain, he/ she will suffer.
  • The profuse urge towards urination, as if the bladder is not cleared. 

For Respiratory System

  • Episodes of short breath (Dyspnea).
  • Irregular breathing pattern with short and rapid breaths taken. It is most probably is of the manifestation of anxiety. 
  • Oppressed breathing and persistent feeling of pressure on the left side of the chest. 
  • Dry and coarse coughing. 
  • Difficulty in breathing. 
  • Sensitivity in the Larynx. 
  • Pneumonia. 
  • Stitching sensation in the chest.
  • Hacking cough. Difficulty coughing up phlegm and tingling pain in the chest after coughing. 

For Heart

  • Complications like Tachycardia (when the heart rate goes over the usual,i.e.e 100 beats/ minute)
  • Stitching pain in the chest near the heart. 
  • Heart palpitation due to anxiety. As if the patient will faint due to the palpitation and due to the palpitation, a tingling sensation can form in the fingers. 
  • If the arteries are swollen and narrowed, it may trigger inflammation in the blood vessels. 
  • Feeling of increased pressure in the Carotid arteries while sitting. 

For Muscles and Bones

  • If the back is stiff, numb and painful. 
  • Stiff neck. 
  • Experience of Rheumatism in the bone joints and inflammation due to Rheumatism.
  • Numb limbs. As if the hands and feet are cold and insensible.
  • Increase in numbness or even Paralysis while moving or walking. 

 Please Note

  • Keep the medicine bottle in a cool place and away from sunlight.
  • Keep it distanced from children. 
  • Shake well before use. 
  • Enclosed is the cap well after use. 
  • Similar drugs like Burnett’s Aconitum Napellus Q

Information for Doctors

  • Manufactured By: Burnett Research Laboratory, ISO 9001:2015 & GMP Certified Laboratory
  • Laboratory Address (Registered Office): Kalachandpara, Duttapukur, North 24 PGS, West Bengal, Pin: 743248. 
  • Email us at [email protected] 
  • Our Website Address: www.burnettresearchlab.com
  • Aconitum Napellus Mother Tincture is a homeopathic medicine that helps with physical or mental restlessness. It relieves head heaviness, pressure inside the brain, and burning headaches. It also benefits the eyes by reducing inflammation and redness. Additionally, it helps with stomach problems like gastritis and burning pain.
  • **Key Ingredients:**
  • - Extract of the monkshood plant
  • - Ethanol
  • **Key Benefits:**
  • - Relieves anxiety, fear, and mental restlessness
  • - Eases heaviness and burning headaches
  • - Useful for vertigo
  • - Reduces eye inflammation and irritation
  • - Helps with digestive issues like heaviness and vomiting
  • - Treats inflammatory fever
  • - Stops nosebleeds
  • - Relieves neuralgic facial pain
  • - Eases throat inflammation and burning pain
  • - Reduces severe coughs and chest congestion
  • - Helps with painful, scanty urination and bladder burning
  • - Treats epilepsy and hepatitis
  • - Useful for acute orchitis and breathing difficulties (dyspnea)
  • - Helps with jaundice and pneumonia
  • **Directions for Use:**
  • - Follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.
  • **Safety Information:**
  • - Read the label carefully before use
  • - Use under medical supervision
  • - Do not exceed the recommended dosage
  • - Keep out of reach of children
  • - Store in a cool, dry place

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