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Aconitum radix MT

Homeopathy Medicine

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    • MRP Rs.
      (Inc. of all taxes)
    • Sales Price
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    • 30ml
    • Aconitum radix MT
    • Rs. 90.00
      5 % OFF
    • Rs. 85.50
    • Rs. 85.50

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Aconitum Radix helps with problems caused by exposure to cold, dry weather. It treats body temperature changes from cold air and can manage joint pains. It can be used externally for soreness from sprains and helps relieve stress from emotional and mental overwork. Aconitum Radix is a dilution that provides relief from emotional fatigue, stress, and anxiety. It can also help with sensory infections and nerve pain.

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Aconitum Radix helps with problems caused by exposure to cold, dry weather. It treats body temperature changes from cold air and can manage joint pains. It can be used externally for soreness from sprains and helps relieve stress from emotional and mental overwork. Aconitum Radix is a dilution that provides relief from emotional fatigue, stress, and anxiety. It can also help with sensory infections and nerve pain

एकोनिटम रेडिक्स ठंड, शुष्क मौसम के संपर्क में आने से होने वाली समस्याओं में मदद करता है। यह ठंडी हवा से शरीर के तापमान में बदलाव का इलाज करता है और जोड़ों के दर्द का प्रबंधन कर सकता है। इसका उपयोग मोच के दर्द के लिए बाहरी रूप से किया जा सकता है और यह भावनात्मक और मानसिक अधिक काम से तनाव को दूर करने में मदद करता है। एकोनिटम रेडिक्स एक पतलापन है जो भावनात्मक थकान, तनाव और चिंता से राहत देता है। यह संवेदी संक्रमण और तंत्रिका दर्द में भी मदद कर सकता है

অ্যাকোনিটাম রেডিক্স ঠান্ডা, শুষ্ক আবহাওয়ার সংস্পর্শে আসার কারণে সৃষ্ট সমস্যায় সাহায্য করে। এটি ঠান্ডা বাতাসের কারণে শরীরের তাপমাত্রার পরিবর্তনের চিকিৎসা করে এবং জয়েন্টে ব্যথা পরিচালনা করতে পারে। এটি মচকে ব্যথার জন্য বাহ্যিকভাবে ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে এবং মানসিক এবং মানসিক ওভারকাম থেকে চাপ উপশম করতে সাহায্য করে। অ্যাকোনিটাম রেডিক্স হল একটি প্রশমিত যা মানসিক ক্লান্তি, চাপ এবং উদ্বেগ থেকে মুক্তি দেয়। এটি সংবেদনশীল সংক্রমণ এবং স্নায়ু ব্যথার সাথেও সাহায্য করতে পারে


- Dosages vary from drug to drug and depend on the patient.

- Treatment depends on conditions, age, characteristics, and lifestyle.

- Medicines can be prescribed in different dosages by different physicians.

- Some medicines are taken regularly (4-5 drops 2-3 times a day), while others are taken once a week, month, or longer.

- Always take medicines per the physician's advice and do not self-medicate.



Aconitum Radix helps with problems caused by exposure to cold, dry weather. It treats body temperature changes from cold air and can manage joint pains. It can be used externally for soreness from sprains and helps relieve stress from emotional and mental overwork. Aconitum Radix is a dilution that provides relief from emotional fatigue, stress, and anxiety. It can also help with sensory infections and nerve pain.


**Safety Guidelines When Taking Homeopathy Medicine:**

- Keep a half-hour gap between medicine and food.

- Do not chew the medicine; let it dissolve on your tongue for better effectiveness.

- Avoid smoking or drinking soon after taking the medicine.

-- Avoid all sorts of addictions.


**General Safety Information:**

- Read the label carefully before use.

- Do not exceed the recommended dose.

- Keep out of reach of children.

- Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

-- Always consult a homeopathic physician before taking medicines.


**Homeopathy Dosages Reminder:**

- Dosages vary from drug to drug and depend on the patient.

- Treatment depends on conditions, age, characteristics, and lifestyle.

- Medicines can be prescribed in different dosages by different physicians.

- Some medicines are taken regularly (4-5 drops 2-3 times a day), while others are taken once a week, month, or longer.

- Always take medicines per the physician's advice and do not self-medicate.

Aconitum Radix helps with problems caused by exposure to cold, dry weather. It treats body temperature changes from cold air and can manage joint pains. It can be used externally for soreness from sprains and helps relieve stress from emotional and mental overwork. Aconitum Radix is a dilution that provides relief from emotional fatigue, stress, and anxiety. It can also help with sensory infections and nerve pain.


**Safety Guidelines When Taking Homeopathy Medicine:**

- Keep a half-hour gap between medicine and food.

- Do not chew the medicine; let it dissolve on your tongue for better effectiveness.

- Avoid smoking or drinking soon after taking the medicine.

-- Avoid all sorts of addictions.


**General Safety Information:**

- Read the label carefully before use.

- Do not exceed the recommended dose.

- Keep out of reach of children.

- Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

-- Always consult a homeopathic physician before taking medicines.


**Homeopathy Dosages Reminder:**

- Dosages vary from drug to drug and depend on the patient.

- Treatment depends on conditions, age, characteristics, and lifestyle.

- Medicines can be prescribed in different dosages by different physicians.

- Some medicines are taken regularly (4-5 drops 2-3 times a day), while others are taken once a week, month, or longer.

- Always take medicines per the physician's advice and do not self-medicate.

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