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Berberis Vulgaris MT

Homeopathy Medicine

    • Net Quantity
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    • MRP Rs.
      (Inc. of all taxes)
    • Sales Price
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    • Total Price
    • 30ml
    • Berberis Vulgaris MT
    • Rs. 100.00
      3 % OFF
    • Rs. 97.00
    • Rs. 97.00

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Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Mother Tincture Q helps ease stomach aches from kidney stones. It protects your liver and keeps it healthy. The pain-relieving properties help lessen pa...

Berberis Vulgaris Herb along with Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) and as per the guidelines of HPI. 

  • Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Mother Tincture Q is an effective remedy for kidney stones and the pain they cause
  • Berberis Vulgaris can ease the leg pain that starts from the back due to arthritis.
  •  It can reduce inflammation and pain in the gallbladder commendably.
  • Berberis Vulgaris can soothe deep pains, especially renal calculi-related ones, without any side effects.
  •  It can treat skin problems such as warts and pustules that cause itching.
  • Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Q can help with digestive issues such as constipation and diarrhoea.

  • बर्नेट की बर्बेरिस वल्गारिस मदर टिंचर क्यू गुर्दे की पथरी के लिए एक प्रभावी उपाय है और इसके कारण होने वाला दर्द बर्बेरिस वल्गारिस क्यू गठिया के कारण पीठ से शुरू होने वाले पैर के दर्द को कम कर सकता है।
  • यह पित्ताशय की थैली में सूजन और दर्द को प्रशंसनीय रूप से कम कर सकता है।
  •  बर्बेरिस वल्गारिस बिना किसी दुष्प्रभाव के गहरे दर्द, विशेष रूप से गुर्दे की पथरी से संबंधित दर्द को शांत कर सकता है।
  • यह खुजली पैदा करने वाले मस्से और फुंसियों जैसी त्वचा की समस्याओं का इलाज कर सकता है।
  • बर्नेट की बर्बेरिस वल्गारिस क्यू कब्ज और दस्त जैसी पाचन संबंधी समस्याओं में मदद कर सकती है।

  • Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Mother Tincture Q কিডনিতে পাথর এবং এর ফলে যে ব্যথা হয় তার জন্য একটি কার্যকরী প্রতিকার বারবেরিস ভালগারিস কিউ বাতের কারণে পিঠ থেকে শুরু হওয়া পায়ের ব্যথা কমাতে পারে।
  • এটি গলব্লাডারে প্রদাহ এবং ব্যথা প্রশংসনীয়ভাবে কমাতে পারে।
  • বারবেরিস ভালগারিস গভীর ব্যথা, বিশেষ করে রেনাল ক্যালকুলি-সম্পর্কিত, কোনো পার্শ্বপ্রতিক্রিয়া ছাড়াই প্রশমিত করতে পারে।
  • এটি ত্বকের সমস্যা যেমন আঁচিল এবং ফুসকুড়ি যা চুলকানি সৃষ্টি করে তার চিকিৎসা করতে পারে।
  • Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Q কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য এবং ডায়রিয়ার মতো হজম সংক্রান্ত সমস্যায় সাহায্য করতে পারে।

Direct 30 to 40 drops of the medicine in half a cup of water orally three times daily before meals. Otherwise, follow the dosage and frequency prescribed by the physician.

दवा की 30 से 40 बूंदों को आधे कप पानी में भोजन से पहले रोजाना तीन बार मौखिक रूप से लें। 

या फिर चिकित्सक के निर्देशानुसार ही दवा लें।

খাবারের আগে দিনে তিনবার আধা কাপ জলে ওষুধের 30 থেকে 40 ফোঁটা সরাসরি দিন এবং সেবন করুন। অথবা , চিকিৎসক-দ্বারা নির্ধারিত ডোজ এবং ফ্রিকোয়েন্সি অনুসরণ করুন।

Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Mother Tincture Q helps ease stomach aches from kidney stones. It protects your liver and keeps it healthy. The pain-relieving properties help lessen pain. It also helps your kidneys work better and helps with loose motions and hard stools caused by kidney stones. The mother tincture helps calm down the fizzing feeling and sharp pain in your body and leg. It also kills germs, which helps with infections. The anti-swelling properties help lower swelling and make your skin better.

You can get Burnett’s products in your nearby locations; just type in your preferred search engine, e.g. Burnett’s mother tincture at homeo medical store near me.

Commonly Known Term

Berberis Vulgaris herb is also known as Barberry.

Highlighted Points

  • Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Mother Tincture Q is an effective remedy for kidney stones and the pain they cause
  • Berberis Vulgaris can ease the leg pain that starts from the back due to arthritis.
  •  It can reduce inflammation and pain in the gallbladder commendably.
  • Berberis Vulgaris can soothe deep pains, especially renal calculi-related ones, without any side effects.
  •  It can treat skin problems such as warts and pustules that cause itching.
  • Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Q can help with digestive issues such as constipation and diarrhoea.

Detailed Indications

Related to Psychological Issues

  • Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Mother Tincture Q can help people with anxiety, nervousness and fearfulness. It can calm their nerves and make them more friendly and communicative.
  • It can also improve the mental clarity and focus of people who are confused, forgetful and slow in their work. It can enhance their memory and concentration and make them more efficient and productive.

Related to Head

  • Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Mother Tincture Q can relieve headache symptoms, such as fullness, heaviness and shooting pains in the head. It can reduce the inflammation and swelling of the head and ease the pressure on the forehead and temples.
  • It can also treat the sensation of having a large or swollen head, which can cause discomfort and tension.

Related to Face and Mouth

  • Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Mother Tincture Q can restore the natural colour and moisture of the face. 
  • It can prevent the paleness and dryness of the face and soothe the shooting pains on the cheekbones.
  • It can also rejuvenate the eyes and reduce the signs of fatigue and ageing. 
  • It can diminish the dark circles around the eyes and the heaviness of the eyelids. 
  • It can also prevent the eyes' dryness, itching and redness after reading or working in low light.
  • Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Mother Tincture Q can also improve oral health and hygiene. 
  • It can quench the thirst and dryness of the mouth and increase appetite. 
  • It can also heal the ulcers on the tongue and gums and stop bleeding from them.

Related to Eyes, Ears and Nose

  • Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Mother Tincture Q can treat eye problems, such as shooting pains, dryness, itching, pressure and redness. 
  • It can protect the eyes from sun exposure and eye strain. 
  • It can also improve vision and prevent eye infections.
  • Burnett’s Berberis Vulgaris Mother Tincture Q can also cure ear problems, such as burning, itching, dryness and shooting pains. 
  • It can reduce the inflammation and infection of the ear canal and eardrum. 
  • It can also shrink the enlarged gland behind the ear, which can cause pain and pus formation.

Related to Stomach

  • Relieves nausea and vomiting with burning and shooting pains in the stomach that reach the throat.
  • Helps with bilious disorders and acid reflux. 
  • Reduces nausea before breakfast and vomiting before dinner.

Related to the Abdomen

  • Eases acute shooting pains in the abdomen, especially in the groin area. 
  • Alleviates tension, pressure and pain in the inguinal region. 
  • Treats varicose veins in the groin area.
  • Soothes pains in the liver area that worsen with pressure. 
  • Reduces swelling of the liver and abdominal pain when walking and standing. 
  • Relieves pain that radiates to the testes, thighs and loins.

Related to Urinary Organs

  • Mild burning pains in the urethra during urination and aching pains in the bladder.
  • Resolves stitching pains in the urethra that extend to the thighs and loins. Berberis Vulgaris is effective for this condition.
  • Diminishes pulsating pains in the kidney region and violent pains that spread to the bladder.
  • Prevents frequent urination with a burning sensation if urine is not passed. Reduces back pain.

Description of the User Terms

Wart: Wart is a small bump on the skin or another body part.

Pustule: A pustule is a tiny bump on the skin that contains pus. Pus is a fluid that has dead cells and germs. Pustules often occur when sweat glands or hair follicles get infected or inflamed.

Anxiety: Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something that might happen in the future. It can cause physical reactions such as increased heart rate, sweating, shaking, or dizziness. People with anxiety disorders often have unwanted or disturbing thoughts that make them avoid certain situations. Anxiety is different from fear, which is a reaction to a real and immediate danger. Anxiety is more general and long-lasting, while fear is more specific and short-term.


Direct 30 to 40 drops of the medicine in half a cup of water orally three times daily before meals.

Otherwise, follow the dosage and frequency prescribed by the physician.

Please Note

  • Keep the medicine bottle in a cool place and away from sunlight.
  • Keep it distanced from children. 
  • Shake well before use. 
  • Enclosed is the cap well after use. 

Information for Doctors & Dealers

  • Manufactured By: Burnett Research Laboratory, ISO 9001:2015 & GMP Certified Laboratory
  • Laboratory Address (Registered Office): Kalachandpara, Duttapukur, North 24 PGS, West Bengal, Pin: 743248. 
  • Email us at [email protected] 
  • Our Website Address: www.burnettresearchlab.com


  • Manufactured By: Burnett Research Laboratory, ISO 9001:2015 & GMP Certified Laboratory
  • Laboratory Address (Registered Office): Kalachandpara, Duttapukur, North 24 PGS, West Bengal, Pin: 743248. 
  • Email us at [email protected] 
  • Our Website Address: www.burnettresearchlab.com

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