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Bio-combination 01

Homeopathy Medicine

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    • Package Name
    • MRP Rs.
      (Inc. of all taxes)
    • Sales Price
    • Qty
    • Total Price
    • 30gm
    • Bio-combination 01
    • Rs. 90.00
    • Rs. 90.00
    • Rs. 90.00
    • 100gm
    • Bio-combination 01
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00

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Burnett’s Bio-Combination 01 Tablets are a very efficient homoeopathic medicine that boosts iron intake from food and enhances haemoglobin levels and overall health. It reduces ble...

  • Calcarea Phosphorica: This salt supports your nutrition and digestion, helping you build a strong and healthy body. It also relieves itching, acute pains, and numbness in various parts of your body.
  • Ferrum Phosphoricum: This ingredient strengthens and protects your blood vessels, especially your arteries, and boosts your blood cell count and haemoglobin levels. It also helps stop bleeding in case of injuries or haemorrhages.
  • Natrum Muriaticum: It enhances your production of red blood cells and albumin, a vital protein that helps transport nutrients and hormones throughout your body.
  •  Kalium Phosphoricum: This component alleviates numbness and tingling sensations in your limbs, hands, feet, and fingers, improving mobility and comfort.
  • A natural way to treat anaemia and restore blood loss from any source
  • Burnett’s Bio-Combination 01 supports healthy digestion and helps with the task of nutrient absorption
  • It relieves pain, itching and numbness in any part of the body
  • Bio-Combination 1 strengthens the blood vessels and prevents bleeding
  • Improves oxygen and energy levels in the cells
  • Increases red blood cell and protein synthesis
  • It restores feeling and movement in the limbs, hands and feet

  • यह एनीमिया का इलाज करने और किसी भी स्रोत से खून की कमी को बहाल करने का प्राकृतिक तरीका है
  • बर्नेट का बायो-कॉम्बिनेशन 01 स्वस्थ पाचन और पोषक तत्वों के अवशोषण का समर्थन करता है
  • यह शरीर के किसी भी हिस्से में दर्द, खुजली और सुन्नता से राहत देता है
  • बायो-कॉम्बिनेशन 1 रक्त को मजबूत करता है वाहिकाओं और रक्तस्राव को रोकता है
  •   यह कोशिकाओं में ऑक्सीजन और ऊर्जा के स्तर में सुधार करता है
  • यह लाल रक्त कोशिका और प्रोटीन संश्लेषण को बढ़ाता है
  •  यह अंगों, हाथों और पैरों में भावना और गति को पुनर्स्थापित करता है

  • অ্যানিমিয়ার চিকিৎসা এবং যেকোনো উৎস থেকে রক্তক্ষরণ পুনরুদ্ধার করার এটি একটি প্রাকৃতিক উপায়
  • বার্নেটের বায়ো-কম্বিনেশন 01 স্বাস্থ্যকর হজম এবং পুষ্টি শোষণকে সমর্থন করে
  • এটি শরীরের যেকোনো অংশে ব্যথা, চুলকানি এবং অসাড়তা দূর করে
  • বায়ো-কম্বিনেশন 1 রক্তকে শক্তিশালী করে এবং রক্তপাত প্রতিরোধ করে
  • এটি কোষে অক্সিজেন এবং শক্তির মাত্রা উন্নত করে
  • এটি লোহিত রক্তকণিকা এবং প্রোটিন সংশ্লেষণ বাড়ায়
  • এটি অঙ্গ, হাত ও পায়ে অনুভূতি এবং নড়াচড়া পুনরুদ্ধার করে

For Adults: Use 4 Tablets of Burnett’s Bio-combination 01 twice daily.

For Children: Use 2 Tablets of Burnett’s Bio-combination 01 twice daily.

Or take medicine as per the direction of the physician.

वयस्कों के लिए: Burnett's Bio-combination 01 की 4 गोलियाँ दिन में दो बार लें।

बच्चों के लिए: Burnett's Bio-combination 01 की 2 गोलियाँ दिन में दो बार लें।

या चिकित्सक के निर्देशानुसार दवा लें।


প্রাপ্তবয়স্কদের জন্য: Burnett’s Bio-combination 01-এর 4 টি ট্যাবলেট প্রতিদিন দুবার ব্যবহার করুন। শিশুদের জন্য: Burnett’s Bio-combination 01-এর 2 টি ট্যাবলেট দিনে দুবার ব্যবহার করুন।

অথবা চিকিৎসকের নির্দেশ অনুযায়ী ওষুধ খান।


Burnett’s Bio-Combination 01 Tablets are a very efficient homoeopathic medicine that boosts iron intake from food and enhances haemoglobin levels and overall health. It reduces bleeding from any body part and helps you cope with mental stress, physical fatigue and weakness. It is a trusted medicine by homoeopathic doctors across the country. Its efficiency is known to many renowned homoeopathy practices around India.

Highlighted Points

  • A natural way to treat anaemia and restore blood loss from any source
  • Burnett’s Bio-Combination 01 supports healthy digestion and helps with the task of nutrient absorption
  • It relieves pain, itching and numbness in any part of the body
  • Bio-Combination 1 strengthens the blood vessels and prevents bleeding
  • Improves oxygen and energy levels in the cells
  • Increases red blood cell and protein synthesis
  • It restores feeling and movement in the limbs, hands and feet

Further (Detailed) Indications

Blood Loss and Anaemia

  • Burnett’s Bio-Combination 01 helps cure anaemia caused by blood loss from any body part.
  • It increases the production of red blood cells and albumin, a protein that carries oxygen and nutrients.
  • It strengthens and repairs the walls of the blood vessels, especially the arteries, and prevents haemorrhages.

Digestion and Nutrition

  • Burnett’s Bio-Combination 01 improves digestion by stimulating the absorption of nutrients from food.
  • It contains a tissue salt associated with nutrition and helps form a healthy body.
  • It is beneficial for children who have poor digestion and growth

Pain, Itching and Weakness

  • Burnett’s Bio-Combination 01 relieves pain, itching and weakness in various body parts.
  • It helps with numbness of the limbs, hands, feet and fingers by improving blood circulation and nerve function.
  • It reduces mental depression, worry and physical exhaustion by restoring energy and vitality.

Primary Ingredients 

  • Calcarea Phosphorica: This salt supports your nutrition and digestion, helping you build a strong and healthy body. It also relieves itching, acute pains, and numbness in various parts of your body.
  • Ferrum Phosphoricum: This ingredient strengthens and protects your blood vessels, especially your arteries, and boosts your blood cell count and haemoglobin levels. It also helps stop bleeding in case of injuries or haemorrhages.
  • Natrum Muriaticum: It enhances your production of red blood cells and albumin, a vital protein that helps transport nutrients and hormones throughout your body.
  •  Kalium Phosphoricum: This component alleviates numbness and tingling sensations in your limbs, hands, feet, and fingers, improving mobility and comfort.


For Adults: Use 4 Tablets of Burnett’s Bio-combination 01 twice daily.

For Children: Use 2 Tablets of Burnett’s Bio-combination 01 twice daily.

Or take medicine as per the direction of the physician.

Please Note

  • Follow the dosage instructions carefully.
  • Keep the medicine away from heat and light to maintain its effectiveness.
  • Keep it out of reach of children to avoid accidental swallowing.
  • Ensure that the cap is securely tightened following every utilisation to avoid contamination.
  • The ideal temperature for this product is 25°C.
  • You can consume this product during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
  • It has no known contraindications with kidney or liver diseases.
  • It does not affect blood sugar levels or blood pressure.
  • It is safe for hypertension patients.
  • This product does not lower your blood pressure.
  • It contains no ingredients that can distress the heart or gastrointestinal system.
  • This product is safe for people with mental disabilities.
  • This product does not have any adverse effects after the Covid-19 infection.
  • This product does not cause diarrhoea.
  • It does not cause skin allergies or habit-forming.
  • You should take this product after eating something.
  • This product is not addictive.
  • If you take too much of this product, drink water or see a doctor.

Information for Doctors & Dealers

  • Manufactured by: Burnett Research Laboratory, ISO 9001:2015 & GMP Certified Laboratory
  • Laboratory Address (Registered Office): Kalachandpara, Duttapukur, North 24 PGS, West Bengal, Pin: 743248. 
  • Email us at [email protected] 
  • Our Website Address: www.burnettresearchlab.com
  • Manufactured by: Burnett Research Laboratory, ISO 9001:2015 & GMP Certified Laboratory
  • Laboratory Address (Registered Office): Kalachandpara, Duttapukur, North 24 PGS, West Bengal, Pin: 743248. 
  • Email us at [email protected] 
  • Our Website Address: www.burnettresearchlab.com

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