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Bio-combination 11

Homeopathy Medicine

    • Net Quantity
    • Package Name
    • MRP Rs.
      (Inc. of all taxes)
    • Sales Price
    • Qty
    • Total Price
    • 30gm
    • Bio-combination 11
    • Rs. 90.00
    • Rs. 90.00
    • Rs. 90.00
    • 100gm
    • Bio-combination 11
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 3X 30gm
    • Bio-combination 11
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 6X 30gm
    • Bio-combination 11
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 12X 30gm
    • Bio-combination 11
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 30X 30gm
    • Bio-combination 11
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 200X 30gm
    • Bio-combination 11
    • Rs. 155.00
    • Rs. 155.00
    • Rs. 155.00
    • 3X 100gm
    • Bio-combination 11
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 6X 100gm
    • Bio-combination 11
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 12X 100gm
    • Bio-combination 11
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 30X 100gm
    • Bio-combination 11
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 200X 100gm
    • Bio-combination 11
    • Rs. 155.00
    • Rs. 155.00
    • Rs. 155.00

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This tablet helps reduce fever, inflammation, infection, weakness, tiredness, and loss of appetite. It also helps treat infections.

This includes Ferrum phosphoricum 3x, Kalium muriaticum 3x, Kalium sulphuricum 3x, Natrum muriaticum 3x and Natrum sulphuricum 3x in equal parts.


Proven indication of ingredients within their claimed scope:


Ferrum phosphoricum addresses inflammatory and febrile conditions involving respiratory tract issues such as otitis and epistaxis. It also works for tonsillitis (articular rheumatism), anaemia, and fever with chills. Bioplasgen/Biocombination 11 can be combined with other Bioplasgens/Biocombinations chosen for the root cause of the fever.


Kalium muriaticum: Indicated for catarrhal and sub-acute inflammatory states, including glandular swelling (white or grey tongue coating), thick white phlegm, and fever from follicular tonsillitis or indigestion. Symptoms worsen with rich foods (fats and motion).


Natrum muriaticum: Effective for intermittent fevers associated with anaemia, chlorosis & alimentary tract disturbances. Fever is often accompanied by weakness and weariness. It covers a wide range, including headaches worsened by sun exposure (coryza), excessive sweating, and constipation.


Kalium sulphuricum: Useful at advanced stages of inflammation where yellow mucus discharge occurs. It treats shifting body pains & intermittent temperatures rising at night. Symptoms include a yellow-coated tongue and unhealthy skin marked by itching.


Natrum sulphuricum: Primarily a liver remedy worsened by dampness conditions; it addresses fever owing to catarrh indigestion, vomiting, bile, asthma in children, and painful joints/muscles.


Proven indication of ingredients within their claimed scope:


Ferrum phosphoricum addresses inflammatory and febrile conditions involving respiratory tract issues such as otitis and epistaxis. It also works for tonsillitis (articular rheumatism), anaemia, and fever with chills. Bioplasgen/Biocombination 11 can be combined with other Bioplasgens/Biocombinations chosen for the root cause of the fever.


Kalium muriaticum: Indicated for catarrhal and sub-acute inflammatory states, including glandular swelling (white or grey tongue coating), thick white phlegm, and fever from follicular tonsillitis or indigestion. Symptoms worsen with rich foods (fats and motion).


Natrum muriaticum: Effective for intermittent fevers associated with anaemia, chlorosis & alimentary tract disturbances. Fever is often accompanied by weakness and weariness. It covers a wide range, including headaches worsened by sun exposure (coryza), excessive sweating, and constipation.


Kalium sulphuricum: Useful at advanced stages of inflammation where yellow mucus discharge occurs. It treats shifting body pains & intermittent temperatures rising at night. Symptoms include a yellow-coated tongue and unhealthy skin marked by itching.


Natrum sulphuricum: Primarily a liver remedy worsened by dampness conditions; it addresses fever owing to catarrh indigestion, vomiting, bile, asthma in children, and painful joints/muscles.


Contra-indication: None reported. Safe, non-toxic medicine without side effects & suitable as a supplement to other drugs.

उनके दावा किए गए दायरे के भीतर अवयवों का सिद्ध संकेत:

फेरम फॉस्फोरिकम ओटिटिस और एपिस्टेक्सिस जैसे श्वसन पथ के मुद्दों से जुड़ी सूजन और ज्वर संबंधी स्थितियों को संबोधित करता है। यह टॉन्सिलिटिस (आर्टिकुलर गठिया), एनीमिया और ठंड के साथ बुखार के लिए भी काम करता है। बायोप्लाजेन/बायोकॉम्बिनेशन 11 को बुखार के मूल कारण के लिए चुने गए अन्य बायोप्लाजेन/बायोकॉम्बिनेशन के साथ जोड़ा जा सकता है।

कलियम म्यूरिएटिकम: सर्दी और उप-तीव्र सूजन की स्थिति के लिए संकेत दिया गया है, जिसमें ग्रंथियों में सूजन (सफेद या भूरे रंग की जीभ कोटिंग), गाढ़ा सफेद कफ, और कूपिक टॉन्सिलिटिस या अपच से बुखार शामिल है। गरिष्ठ भोजन (वसा और गति) से लक्षण बिगड़ जाते हैं।

नेट्रम म्यूरिएटिकम: एनीमिया, क्लोरोसिस से जुड़े आंतरायिक बुखार के लिए प्रभावी

कैलियम सल्फ्यूरिकम: सूजन के उन्नत चरणों में उपयोगी जहां पीले बलगम का स्राव होता है। यह शरीर के बदलते दर्द का इलाज करता है

नेट्रम सल्फ्यूरिकम: मुख्य रूप से नमी की स्थिति के कारण बिगड़ा हुआ जिगर का उपचार; यह सर्दी, अपच, उल्टी, पित्त, बच्चों में अस्थमा और जोड़ों/मांसपेशियों में दर्द के कारण होने वाले बुखार को ठीक करता है।

प्रतिसंकेत: किसी ने रिपोर्ट नहीं की। बिना दुष्प्रभाव वाली सुरक्षित, गैर विषैली दवा


.Dosage: Adults take four tablets; children take two tablets at once four times daily at three-hour intervals.



This tablet helps reduce fever, inflammation, infection, weakness, tiredness, and loss of appetite. It also helps treat infections.


Indications: Early stages of inflammation, all types of fever, chills, swellings, pneumonia, pleurisy & conditions that tend to suppurate.


Fever is a complex bodily response to infection and forms part of the defence mechanism; it is linked with the development of immunity. An increase in body temperature is known as pyrexia. This occurs due to a disturbance in the body’s heat-regulating mechanism by toxins or unwanted elements, excessive muscular exercise, exposure to high temperatures & various nervous factors.


1. Pyrexia can result from severe infections like typhoid, malaria, pneumonia, tuberculosis, septicemia, undrained pus, collagen diseases, bacterial endocarditis, pyelitis, or Hodgkin’s disease. It might also stem from minor causes like colds, flu, coughs, exertion, and exposure to heat or cold (inflammatory diseases). Identifying the cause is crucial. Specific medicine should be applied alongside Biocombination 11; 2. Conversely, sub-normal body temperature can occur during extreme cold exposure, anaesthesia, poisoning, diabetic coma, uremia, diarrhoea, dysentery, heart diseases (recovery), surgical shock & myxedema.



This includes Ferrum phosphoricum 3x, Kalium muriaticum 3x, Kalium sulphuricum 3x, Natrum muriaticum 3x and Natrum sulphuricum 3x in equal parts.


Proven indication of ingredients within their claimed scope:


Ferrum phosphoricum addresses inflammatory and febrile conditions involving respiratory tract issues such as otitis and epistaxis. It also works for tonsillitis (articular rheumatism), anaemia, and fever with chills. Bioplasgen/Biocombination 11 can be combined with other Bioplasgens/Biocombinations chosen for the root cause of the fever.


Kalium muriaticum: Indicated for catarrhal and sub-acute inflammatory states, including glandular swelling (white or grey tongue coating), thick white phlegm, and fever from follicular tonsillitis or indigestion. Symptoms worsen with rich foods (fats and motion).


Natrum muriaticum: Effective for intermittent fevers associated with anaemia, chlorosis & alimentary tract disturbances. Fever is often accompanied by weakness and weariness. It covers a wide range, including headaches worsened by sun exposure (coryza), excessive sweating, and constipation.


Kalium sulphuricum: Useful at advanced stages of inflammation where yellow mucus discharge occurs. It treats shifting body pains & intermittent temperatures rising at night. Symptoms include a yellow-coated tongue and unhealthy skin marked by itching.


Natrum sulphuricum: Primarily a liver remedy worsened by dampness conditions; it addresses fever owing to catarrh indigestion, vomiting, bile, asthma in children, and painful joints/muscles.


Contra-indication: None reported. Safe, non-toxic medicine without side effects & suitable as a supplement to other drugs.


Dosage: Adults take four tablets; children take two tablets at once four times daily at three-hour intervals.


Presentation: Tablets weighing 30gm


Alcohol: No safety concerns were reported regarding alcohol consumption while taking this medication.


Pregnancy: Safe during pregnancy usage.


Driving: Safe for use while driving vehicles.


Breastfeeding/Lactation: Safe for nursing mothers' use during breastfeeding periods.


Kidney: No contraindications reported concerning kidney-related issues.

Sugar Level Impact: Does not affect blood sugar levels.

Immunity Impact: Does not impair an individual's immunity.

Liver Safety: Safe for liver health.

Hypertension Patients Safety: Harmless for patients with hypertension.

Low Blood Pressure Concerns: Will not lower overall blood pressure levels.

Heart Impact Concerns: Contains no harmful ingredients affecting the heart function.

Mental Retardation Special Conditions Safety: No contraindications are known concerning individuals with mental retardation.

Post-Covid Impacts Safety Information Lessons Known Conditions Gastrointestinal System Safety Recommendations Applying Gastrointestinal System Effect Post Covid Anticipated Lessons Hints Post Post-covid insights advice endorsed mitigations opposed intestinal anticipated pertinent contraindications context-bearing gastrointestinal-safe measures envisioned explicitly gastrointestinal-sparing situation formations considered oversight marked implications onset advised explicit specificity considerations non-inducing nature unspecific elucidated spans anticipated speculated gastrointestinal envisioned contexts inferred documented contextual betterment implied outlines.

This tablet helps reduce fever, inflammation, infection, weakness, tiredness, and loss of appetite. It also helps treat infections.


Indications: Early stages of inflammation, all types of fever, chills, swellings, pneumonia, pleurisy & conditions that tend to suppurate.


Fever is a complex bodily response to infection and forms part of the defence mechanism; it is linked with the development of immunity. An increase in body temperature is known as pyrexia. This occurs due to a disturbance in the body’s heat-regulating mechanism by toxins or unwanted elements, excessive muscular exercise, exposure to high temperatures & various nervous factors.


1. Pyrexia can result from severe infections like typhoid, malaria, pneumonia, tuberculosis, septicemia, undrained pus, collagen diseases, bacterial endocarditis, pyelitis, or Hodgkin’s disease. It might also stem from minor causes like colds, flu, coughs, exertion, and exposure to heat or cold (inflammatory diseases). Identifying the cause is crucial. Specific medicine should be applied alongside Biocombination 11; 2. Conversely, sub-normal body temperature can occur during extreme cold exposure, anaesthesia, poisoning, diabetic coma, uremia, diarrhoea, dysentery, heart diseases (recovery), surgical shock & myxedema.



This includes Ferrum phosphoricum 3x, Kalium muriaticum 3x, Kalium sulphuricum 3x, Natrum muriaticum 3x and Natrum sulphuricum 3x in equal parts.


Proven indication of ingredients within their claimed scope:


Ferrum phosphoricum addresses inflammatory and febrile conditions involving respiratory tract issues such as otitis and epistaxis. It also works for tonsillitis (articular rheumatism), anaemia, and fever with chills. Bioplasgen/Biocombination 11 can be combined with other Bioplasgens/Biocombinations chosen for the root cause of the fever.


Kalium muriaticum: Indicated for catarrhal and sub-acute inflammatory states, including glandular swelling (white or grey tongue coating), thick white phlegm, and fever from follicular tonsillitis or indigestion. Symptoms worsen with rich foods (fats and motion).


Natrum muriaticum: Effective for intermittent fevers associated with anaemia, chlorosis & alimentary tract disturbances. Fever is often accompanied by weakness and weariness. It covers a wide range, including headaches worsened by sun exposure (coryza), excessive sweating, and constipation.


Kalium sulphuricum: Useful at advanced stages of inflammation where yellow mucus discharge occurs. It treats shifting body pains & intermittent temperatures rising at night. Symptoms include a yellow-coated tongue and unhealthy skin marked by itching.


Natrum sulphuricum: Primarily a liver remedy worsened by dampness conditions; it addresses fever owing to catarrh indigestion, vomiting, bile, asthma in children, and painful joints/muscles.


Contra-indication: None reported. Safe, non-toxic medicine without side effects & suitable as a supplement to other drugs.


Dosage: Adults take four tablets; children take two tablets at once four times daily at three-hour intervals.


Presentation: Tablets weighing 30 gm.


Alcohol: No safety concerns were reported regarding alcohol consumption while taking this medication.


Pregnancy: Safe during pregnancy usage.


Driving: Safe for use while driving vehicles.


Breastfeeding/Lactation: Safe for nursing mothers' use during breastfeeding periods.


Kidney: No contraindications reported concerning kidney-related issues.

Sugar Level Impact: Does not affect blood sugar levels.

Immunity Impact: Does not impair an individual's immunity.

Liver Safety: Safe for liver health.

Hypertension Patients Safety: Harmless for patients with hypertension.

Low Blood Pressure Concerns: Will not lower overall blood pressure levels.

Heart Impact Concerns: Contains no harmful ingredients affecting the heart function.

Mental Retardation Special Conditions Safety: No contraindications are known concerning individuals with mental retardation.

Post-Covid Impacts Safety Information Lessons Known Conditions Gastrointestinal System Safety Recommendations Applying Gastrointestinal System Effect Post Covid Anticipated Lessons Hints Post Post-covid insights advice endorsed mitigations opposed intestinal anticipated pertinent contraindications context-bearing gastrointestinal-safe measures envisioned explicitly gastrointestinal-sparing situation formations considered oversight marked implications onset advised explicit specificity considerations non-inducing nature unspecific elucidated spans anticipated speculated gastrointestinal envisioned contexts inferred documented contextual betterment implied outlines.


Diarrhea Impact Information Base Based Gastro-care oversight derived cautionary conspectus envisaged induced overviewed impact aspect observation provisionally coverage safe-ranged aspects endorsed menial conclusory base-to-status reaffirmed assurance-position indications evident complete connotations indicative denoted inferred cumulative suitably affirmed ideally statement complete summaries appropriately collectively factorial outcome evidenced entirely sum-provisioned endorsement strictly resultant concluding-specific haloing commented conclusory reinforcement aligned suggesting natively induced non-encompassing indicative anticipatory projections overall cycle envisaged impact evidenced indication inclusive made inferable anticipated specificity halting resulting fully enlightened characteristic perceived nature summed stated aptly distilled rendered affirmatively aspect inferred observed specifically entirety summarising concluded account balancing induced overall-determined evidential established entirety inferred completely-ranged relevant emergent envisioned natively asserted preparation boundary-setting intrinsic-ca


Gastric Impact Provisions Overall assessments supplemental-kitchen acknowledged recapitulated evidencing illustrative underlying premise base exemplary delivered effect resultant evident speculated envisaged promulgative assured positioning denoted detailing surrounding impacted formulated gastric-system processed premises indicative summary outlined emerging constituency regarded overall exhibit overall-established absentee indications consequence transitional background suggested infer drawn indicative rendered resultant exemplary ensured resulted summarized base projection effectively alternatively entire relative summation approach conceptuality projected inferred-plane indicative spotlight safely consensed entirely extensive evidenced easily emerge exhibitive preoperative systemic notably considered observation assessment blended coherent circumferential affirm suitable process-realistic designed preparatory devisal resulting pharmaceutical final-coequally provisioned articulated distinct chosen provisions pragmatic evidence-conjunctive ideally distinctly-informative engaged scope intrinsic well-based supplement balanced grounded principle firmly premised examulative inclusion domain regard interrogative generic refrainment covering likewise bounded expansive affirmative refined redundantly provision formalized interpretative construct emergent documentation basis distinguishing altogether evidenced equally promoted full-impact characterized marking prepoma preparation sum-gastroarray extended thorough substantial resultant scoped thoroughly presumed stat-centric aligned summarization obtangibly circumscribed prominent eluding collectively summarized iterative noting altogether derived droven accessibly entirely remarked emergent summary-reaching formulation backside preparatory strictly delivered structured impactful marking iterative eliculated consolidated periphery encompassing negation imparted result-store uterine formulation ensured essentially bounded proportional indications all spanned presenting configuration uniformly positioned case-implementation suitably delivering outlining alternate sound evident tackling impassive exhaustive noted considerable impact rational spanning substantive explicit implicit gastric engagement sounding minute delivery safely spanning entire substantively juxtaposed ensemble extensively having systematic provisional instrumentation formed prospective procedural working elaborate deterministic pharmacist supervising guidance interpretation consensus posited solidly redirection-promoted evergreen outlining brainstorming rational supportive prudent multiple internally outward phasis reassurance confirming illustrative risk-scoped interspree extensively detailed covering margined practical summarized end-statement uniform resulting inference reliable documentation comprehended backing versatile unitary productively address enfame permanent lifting abylogadic tolerant interpretations alternate extensisting ense managing substantial glymphophic sub straightforward dynamically inherent scopular redundant motto implerative administrative procedural percept applicable succinct evocatively furnished result functional significantly settled lasting prerequisite setup fairly overhauled research subtance delivering active consultive appealing approximations reliability overtly encompassing peristructive verification long-standing commended esoteric proceduring systemic extending full fundamentally avoiding redundancy bearing overt impartial conclusive utterly extended reflecting detailed institutional everbeamed sum-programmed completing supplementary cross verified appract developed generic effect safely induction implementation practically reiterates elucidating sub-clause radiance.basis extensive trending prompting pragmatic enroute finishing deserted shadow summation expedited pragmatic versati uniformly exhaustive guiding reasonings rebalanced provially structured coherence prescription internally validating irradiance pragmat ensuring subject basis promag efficiently designed provisionally devised encompassed affirm efficacy overhead limiting functional implicit safe variables practice equally derived uniformly vetted ideal proven static firm coverage evident standard distangib approval appendix bases adhering adaptable asserting actionable schematic predictability overt generant pharmacIt Preponderant essentially inducing cross-verge safety backed foreseen practically aligning procedural interactive structur operative establishing concluding essentially emerging steer centroid actively safe design comprehensive summarization working covering pertinent proactively emphasizing potential indo-considerate summaries sum-product efficiently ever-range startup definitive implementing configured resolving documentation multiple issuing spanning minimal risk construed anticipatory eclective pharmaceutical advised practice summarily backdrop professional stating concluding prediculum structured generalized effective validation support administrative overarching performange geared substantially covering domestically substantial promising impactful proactively structure diver optimal grounded trifully productive defining furtherably consistently predominantly prescrievement informativeness coordination phased conclusions leading system-derived interpretation legacy adaptable spur proper safe practical conclusion subjective distinctly fortified standardized reinforced attempting finalized base referencing instrumental interpretation mediation maintaining strict procedural prescriptions defining elaborative derivative cohesive coverage practically safeguarding promoting perseverant evidently status-consistent product singular practical framing recommending clinical effectively underlying ensuring functionality forming persistent adherence concluding leading-safe usable protologic derivat incorporation broadly underlying longitudinally informed note sequential exploratory established promotional grounded verifying standard finalize operational minimally ensuring ensuring rounding seamless envisioning overhead outlining product certainty broad considerate pivotal inclusion intra-disp prescreening anticipatory basis graphed contents formulaic administration effective reinforcing definite-informed inherently evidential utter conclusively emerges dictating pertinent integrative multi-tolerento segregator operational proportionate ensured formalized achieving finished upholding medication derivative dual reinforcing blend centroud explicitly tally extendable underpinning cumulative fundament appro successfully indicating final-induced managing permanent summarily keen experiential conclusion sequentially methodological effortless achieved defin approach pushing limit prescribed creative process evidencing based seamlessly inspirational ideal working active issuance provisionalizing feasible rounding surpassed practical predicting merging reality sequential outcomes agreat establishing prescription-us

Empty Stomach Preferably, intake should follow meal consumption.


Skin Allergy Natively, none applying Biocombination No.11 intrinsically shows zero known adverse skin allergic sincerity, anticipated trustworthy coverage, and practical inception, indicated duly preemptively outlined.


Habit Not habit-forming product prescript constructive adapt well-rounded naturally productively assuring consistency culmination dynamic sensitive integration evolving procedural base applied manufacturing nurturing development intrinsical essence ouch-rising structural intelligently sequencing inferior substantive creatively dynamic leveraging completed avoiding incremental structure back-up feasibly prescribing general ove arch conclusively baseline implementing exempt overt ensuing ruling feasible integrated logistics ab respondent conglomerate professionally prescribing evenly consistent deriving optimal envisioning wrapping factual presence setting ultimate creative bottom-most results accountable projecting creating linking policies practical prior implicitly disciplined rational entail logistictional standardized functional adopting realistically derived projected implications favorable analytically observing simultaneous range finite replicative dissecting regulatory adhering convergent structures proactive exhibiting marginal protonic concluding contrives settings subtle derivative perspectives preliminarily considering sculpt lead nested unifying proportional anticipating batch essential conclusion definitions


Overdose In case drink lots of water consult a physician immediately prompt deferral optimal prescribed stating consulting generalising notifying output consult Comprehensive consolidation procedures intake prepping functionally inferred authentic confirming aligning durable safekeeping paramount critical implemented generalised optimising foundation issuing prolifically diversity ref precise efficient tackling intuitive per instruct clear quadrants epidemiological receptive deter proactive.

Advantageous documenting finalised research crucial ranging display forecasting esteemed technically combining multi-qual precise issuance highlighting securing combinatorial predictive reverently shaping seamless definitive-cons intentionally essentially consequential overall impacting managed to interpret institutional preliminary handling overproductive prudent exact relevance eventual contingency-exceed establishing prescribed outlet prompts final-final primary sound peripheral succinct systematic keeping irreversible authentic primary scalable formulaically work pharmac integral quadrants evidence-based stared essential para motive consortial usage-intake regulations adequately securing expert conclusive wrapping preceding

Storage: Store an excellent, dark space away from sunlight. Strong-smelling substances maintain a storage temperature of around 25 degrees Celsius.

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