Homeopathy Medicine
Calcarea fluorica: Helps relieve pain and swelling in the lower back and anus caused by varicose veins, fissures, and bleeding piles.
Ferrum phosphoricum: Supports blood circulation and reduces inflammation, heat, and redness in the anal region.
Kalium phosphoricum: Eases sudden, sharp, and tearing pain in the anal area due to localised inflammation.
Kalium muriaticum: Prevents blood clots and dark bleeding from haemorrhoids.
यह बवासीर से राहत प्रदान करता है।
यह कब्ज और पीठ दर्द से प्राकृतिक राहत देता है।
यह गुदा में आराम सुनिश्चित करता है।
यह मल त्याग को आसान और आरामदायक बनाता है।
यह सभी प्रकार के पाइल्स का इलाज करता है।
इसमें होम्योपैथिक तत्व होते हैं।
यह एक गैर-इनवेसिव उपचार है।
इसका नैदानिक रूप से सिद्ध फॉर्मूला है।
यह पाइल्स के लक्षणों से लंबे समय तक राहत प्रदान करता है।
यह कब्ज के कारण होने वाले पाइल्स में मदद करता है।
इसके कोई साइड इफेक्ट नहीं हैं।
Adults: Take four tablets of this medicine twice a day.
Children: Take two tablets of this medicine twice a day.
Alternatively, Follow the dosage instructions provided by your physician.
वयस्क: इस दवा की चार गोलियां दिन में दो बार लें। बच्चे: इस दवा की दो गोलियां दिन में दो बार लें।वैकल्पिक रूप से, अपने चिकित्सक द्वारा बताई गई खुराक का पालन करें।
প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক: এই ওষুধের চারটি ট্যাবলেট দিনে দুবার খান। শিশু: এই ওষুধের দুটি ট্যাবলেট দিনে দুবার খান। অথবা, আপনার চিকিৎসকের নির্দেশিত মাত্রা অনুসরণ করুন।
Adults: Take four tablets twice a day. Children: Take two tablets twice a day. Or follow your doctor’s advice.
Calcarea Fluorica Biochemic Tablet is a homoeopathic fix for various skin & joint issues. Packed with calcium floricum, it reduces symptoms like varicose veins, dry skin & joint pain. This ingredient ultimately helps by reducing inflammation & swelling in veins AND bones. Great for fighting off discomfort from piles and constipation while preventing bleeding & pain from haemorrhoids & fissures. Perfect if you've been sitting too long or dealing with obesity—all while soothing backaches caused by internal piles.
Ferrum phosphoricum is another big deal in Burnett's Bio-Combination 17. It helps ease constipation and shrinks swollen rectal veins—a must for reducing discomfort from internal piles, which can lead to significant backaches. Calming back pain and shrinking those veins makes bathroom trips so much easier.
Kali muriaticum, an essential homoeopathic pick in Burnett's Bio-Combination 17, helps tackle piles caused by constipation, obesity, and sitting too long. It shrinks inflammation and swelling tied to piles, making it vital for overall relief. Combined with Ferrum phosphoricum and Calcarea Fluorica, you get a total solution for piles-related woes.
Kali phosphoricum works wonders on piles - especially with bleeding or sharp pain. It cuts down on inflammation & swelling in rectal veins and makes more effortless bowel movements without the risk of bleeding! Paired with other ingredients like Ferrum phosphoricum & Calcarea Fluorica — it offers an all-around fix for piles-related problems.
Manufacturing Information
Burnett’s Ashoka Tonic contains Pulsatilla Nigricans, Janosia Ashoka, Terminalia Arjuna, Abroma Augusta, Viburnum Prunifolium, Aletris Ferinosta, Secale Cornutum Q, Kali Bromatum and Calcarea Phosphoricum
Pulsatilla Nigricans: One of the most common homoeopathic medicines and medicinal constituents. Popular in treating irregular periods, pregnancy-related issues, and growth of the Uterus.
Janosia Ashoka: It is a powerful Mother Tincture solution which has Estrogenic (related to the development of the Female reproductive system) as well as Analgesic (Related to a drug which works as a pain reliever) properties in it.
Terminalia Arjuna: Commonly known as Arjuna, this tree has long been associated with Ayurveda for its diversified contribution. It is most significant for its usage as a Cardio-Tonic, which improves blood supply in the Human Circulatory System.
Abroma Augusta: A powerful Mother Tincture solution has diversified usage in Homoeopathic practices. Helpful in treating Urinary disorders and Reproduction-related issues.
Viburnum Prunifolium: Crucial for treating Gynaecological problems, including Morning Sickness and Menstrual ache and also reduces the risk of miscarriages.
Aletris Ferinosta: It is made from the plant called Aletris (other names are Unicorn root or Star-grass). It helps in overall menstrual issues. Very helpful in treating fatigue or tiredness after the period in women.
Secale Cornutum Q: It is helpful in the treatment of irregular period cycles in women. It helps promotes healthy muscle fibres of the Uterus. Further, it also helps with digestive issues for women.
Kali Bromatum: It helps treat joint pains, especially Gouts. It also promotes sleep in those who have Insomnia (Sleeplessness).
Calcarea Phosphoricum: It promotes bone development. It has a significant effect on any skeletal issues. It is excellent in treating Rheumatic pain and Spine aches.
For Adult Women (Only): Take two teaspoons of Burnett’s Ashoka Tonic mixed with cold water, and consume two times after mean daily.
Or follow the suggestion of the physician.
Please Note: Ashoka Tonic cannot be taken during Periods and in the post-Pregnancy phase.
Take 2-3 Constofib tablets twice daily, or follow the guidance provided by the physician.
Burnett’s Echinacea Angustifolia Ointment is a highly effective antiseptic treatment that can cure various skin issues. It is endorsed by respected homoeopathic doctors in India for its efficacy in treating boils, infected ulcers, wounds, insect bites, and stings, as well as its potential use as a dressing for recurring boils, carbuncles, lymphadenitis, old ulcers, and gangrene infections.
Highlighted Points
How to Use
Apply this ointment to the affected area daily or as instructed by your healthcare provider.
Please Note
Manufacturing Information
Primary Ingredients
Angustifolia Mother Tincture Q
It is a pure extract of the Purple coneflower. This herb benefits blood-related disorders, such as auto-immune diseases and sepsis. It also helps with digestive problems like diarrhoea, sour belching, and nausea. Moreover, it heals wounds and infections, such as foul ulcers, venomous bites, meningitis, piles, pustules, and boils. It also soothes gum bleeding, tongue sores, and skin irritations.
In addition to the above key ingredients, Burnett’s Echinacea Angustifolia ointment also contains Lanolin and White Soft Paraffin.
White Soft Paraffin
White soft paraffin is a moisturising agent that helps to keep the skin hydrated and smooth. It is often used to treat dry skin conditions and relieve irritation. White soft paraffin is also a key ingredient in making ointments, as it forms a layer of oil on the skin that prevents water loss and protects the skin from external factors. White soft paraffin can improve the skin's texture, elasticity, and comfort by helping it retain its natural moisture.
Lanolin is a natural wax that comes from the skin of woolly animals. It is used in many skin, hair and lips products because it moisturises and softens them. It also prevents water loss from the skin and attracts more moisture from the air. Lanolin is a crucial ingredient for making homoeopathic medicine. Burnett’s ointments use the best quality Lanolin as their active ingredient. It hydrates the top layer of the skin and helps it stay moist.