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Bio-combination 17

Homeopathy Medicine

    • Net Quantity
    • Package Name
    • MRP Rs.
      (Inc. of all taxes)
    • Sales Price
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    • Total Price
    • 30gm
    • Bio-combination 17
    • Rs. 90.00
    • Rs. 90.00
    • Rs. 90.00
    • 100gm
    • Bio-combination 17
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 3X 30gm
    • Bio-combination 17
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 6X 30gm
    • Bio-combination 17
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 12X 30gm
    • Bio-combination 17
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 30X 30gm
    • Bio-combination 17
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 200X 30gm
    • Bio-combination 17
    • Rs. 155.00
    • Rs. 155.00
    • Rs. 155.00
    • 3X 100gm
    • Bio-combination 17
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 6X 100gm
    • Bio-combination 17
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 12X 100gm
    • Bio-combination 17
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 30X 100gm
    • Bio-combination 17
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 200X 100gm
    • Bio-combination 17
    • Rs. 155.00
    • Rs. 155.00
    • Rs. 155.00

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Relieves haemorrhoids │ Natural constipation relief │ Anal comfort │ Easy bowel movements │ Treats all piles │ Homoeopathic formula │ Non-invasive remedy │ Clinically proven │ Long-term relief │ Constipation relief │ No side effects │ Suitable for adults

Calcarea fluorica: Helps relieve pain and swelling in the lower back and anus caused by varicose veins, fissures, and bleeding piles.

Ferrum phosphoricum: Supports blood circulation and reduces inflammation, heat, and redness in the anal region.

Kalium phosphoricum: Eases sudden, sharp, and tearing pain in the anal area due to localised inflammation.

Kalium muriaticum: Prevents blood clots and dark bleeding from haemorrhoids.

  •  It provides relief from haemorrhoids.
  •  It offers natural relief from constipation and backache.
  •  It ensures anal comfort.
  •  It makes bowel movements easy and comfortable.
  •  It treats all types of piles.
  •  It contains homoeopathic ingredients.
  •  It is a non-invasive remedy.
  •  It has a clinically proven formula.
  •  It provides long-term relief from piles symptoms.
  •  It helps with piles caused by constipation.
  •  It has no side effects.
  • It is suitable for adults and others.

  यह बवासीर से राहत प्रदान करता है।

  यह कब्ज और पीठ दर्द से प्राकृतिक राहत देता है।

  यह गुदा में आराम सुनिश्चित करता है।

  यह मल त्याग को आसान और आरामदायक बनाता है।

  यह सभी प्रकार के पाइल्स का इलाज करता है।

  इसमें होम्योपैथिक तत्व होते हैं।

  यह एक गैर-इनवेसिव उपचार है।

  इसका नैदानिक रूप से सिद्ध फॉर्मूला है।

  यह पाइल्स के लक्षणों से लंबे समय तक राहत प्रदान करता है।

  यह कब्ज के कारण होने वाले पाइल्स में मदद करता है।

  इसके कोई साइड इफेक्ट नहीं हैं।

  •  এটি পাইলস থেকে ত্রাণ দেয়।
  •  এটি কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য এবং পিঠের ব্যথা থেকে প্রাকৃতিক উপশম দেয়।
  •   এটি পায়ু স্বাচ্ছন্দ্য নিশ্চিত করে।
  •   এটি শৌচ সহজ এবং আরামদায়ক করে তোলে।
  •   এটি সকল ধরণের পাইলসের চিকিৎসা করে।
  •   এটি হোমিওপ্যাথিক উপাদান ধারণ করে।
  •   এটি পাইলসের লক্ষণ থেকে দীর্ঘস্থায়ী ত্রাণ দেয়।
  •   এটি কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্যজনিত পাইলসে সহায়তা করে।
  •   এটির কোন পার্শ্ব প্রতিক্রিয়া নেই।
  •   এটি প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক এবং অন্যদের জন্য উপযুক্ত।

Adults: Take four tablets of this medicine twice a day.

Children: Take two tablets of this medicine twice a day.

Alternatively, Follow the dosage instructions provided by your physician.

वयस्क: इस दवा की चार गोलियां दिन में दो बार लें। बच्चे: इस दवा की दो गोलियां दिन में दो बार लें।वैकल्पिक रूप से, अपने चिकित्सक द्वारा बताई गई खुराक का पालन करें।

প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক: এই ওষুধের চারটি ট্যাবলেট দিনে দুবার খান। শিশু: এই ওষুধের দুটি ট্যাবলেট দিনে দুবার খান। অথবা, আপনার চিকিৎসকের নির্দেশিত মাত্রা অনুসরণ করুন।

Piles can hurt – no joke! But with Burnett's Bio-Combination 17 Tablets, you can wave goodbye to the pain & discomfort from haemorrhoids and fissures. This homoeopathic medicine works wonders. It eases constipation, shrinks swollen veins in your rectum, and even soothes backaches caused by internal piles. If you're dealing with sharp pain bleeding, or just can't sit for long periods, Burnett's Bio-Combination 17 Tablets are the answer. Give it a shot today and start feeling better.

Highlighted Points

  • Say Goodbye to Haemorrhoid Pain and Bleeding: It helps stop bleeding and pain from swollen veins in the rectum, giving you fast relief.
  • Natural Solution for Constipation & Backache: Ease constipation, backache, and bleeding with this magical pill.
  • Comfortable Bowel Movements: Get relief from anal discomfort before, during, AND after stools.
  • Smooth and Painless Bowel Movements: Burnett’s Bio-Combination 17 Tablet makes going to the bathroom easy. It's gentle yet effective for haemorrhoids and fissures.
  • Comprehensive Piles Treatment: Heal any piles – internal or external, bleeding or non-bleeding.


Adults: Take four tablets twice a day. Children: Take two tablets twice a day. Or follow your doctor’s advice.

Primary Ingredients

Calcarea Fluorica Biochemic Tablet is a homoeopathic fix for various skin & joint issues. Packed with calcium floricum, it reduces symptoms like varicose veins, dry skin & joint pain. This ingredient ultimately helps by reducing inflammation & swelling in veins AND bones. Great for fighting off discomfort from piles and constipation while preventing bleeding & pain from haemorrhoids & fissures. Perfect if you've been sitting too long or dealing with obesity—all while soothing backaches caused by internal piles.

Ferrum phosphoricum is another big deal in Burnett's Bio-Combination 17. It helps ease constipation and shrinks swollen rectal veins—a must for reducing discomfort from internal piles, which can lead to significant backaches. Calming back pain and shrinking those veins makes bathroom trips so much easier.

Kali muriaticum, an essential homoeopathic pick in Burnett's Bio-Combination 17, helps tackle piles caused by constipation, obesity, and sitting too long. It shrinks inflammation and swelling tied to piles, making it vital for overall relief. Combined with Ferrum phosphoricum and Calcarea Fluorica, you get a total solution for piles-related woes.

Kali phosphoricum works wonders on piles - especially with bleeding or sharp pain. It cuts down on inflammation & swelling in rectal veins and makes more effortless bowel movements without the risk of bleeding! Paired with other ingredients like Ferrum phosphoricum & Calcarea Fluorica — it offers an all-around fix for piles-related problems.

Please Note

  1. Store in a cool, dry place away from light.
  2. Keep out of kids' reach.
  3. Use only under medical guidance.
  4. Shake well before use; close cap tightly after.
  5. Follow the dosage instructions on the label carefully!

Manufacturing Information

  • Manufactured By: Burnett Research Laboratory (ISO 9001:2015 & GMP-Certified)
  • Address: Kalachandpara, Duttapukur, North 24 Pgs., West Bengal - Pin: 743248
  • Email us at [email protected]
  • WhatsApp/Call +91 8777 411 013 with any questions
  • Our Website: www.burnettresearchlab.com



  • Manufactured By: Burnett Research Laboratory (ISO 9001:2015 & GMP-Certified)
  • Address: Kalachandpara, Duttapukur, North 24 Pgs., West Bengal - Pin: 743248
  • Email us at [email protected]
  • WhatsApp/Call +91 8777 411 013 with any questions
  • Our Website: www.burnettresearchlab.com


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