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A trusted sign for manufacturing, research & analysis of homeopathic medicine.

Ferrum Phosphoricum

Homeopathy Medicine

    • Net Quantity
    • Package Name
    • MRP Rs.
      (Inc. of all taxes)
    • Sales Price
    • Qty
    • Total Price
    • 3X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • 6X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • 12X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • 12X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • 30X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • 30X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • 200X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 95.00
    • Rs. 95.00
    • Rs. 95.00
    • 200X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 95.00
    • Rs. 95.00
    • Rs. 95.00
    • 3X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 3X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 6X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 6X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 12X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 12X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 30X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 30X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 200X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 155.00
    • Rs. 155.00
    • Rs. 155.00
    • 3X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • 6X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • 12X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • 30X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • Rs. 85.00
    • 200X 30gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 95.00
    • Rs. 95.00
    • Rs. 95.00
    • 3X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 6X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 12X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 30X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • Rs. 140.00
    • 200X 100gm
    • Ferrum Phosphoricum
    • Rs. 155.00
    • Rs. 155.00
    • Rs. 155.00

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Burnett’s Ferrum Phosphoricum Biochemic Tablets are highly effective for treating various health problems and are used by renowned homoeopathic doctors nationwide.  These tabl...

Burnett’s Ferrum Phosphoricum Biochemic Tablets are composited with Ferrum Phosphoricum & Saccharum Lactis, as per the guidelines of Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India (HPI).

  • Restore your blood loss and energy with Burnett’s Ferrum Phosphoricum.
  • Recover faster from illness and injury.
  • Ease your joint, shoulder, and cough with this anti-inflammatory and soothing medicine.
  • It helps you improve your urinary health and vaginal dryness by supporting the health of your bladder and uterus.
  • Stop diarrhoea and bleeding with this tablet.
  • Fight fever, sore throat and headache with Burnett’s Ferrum Phos by boosting your immune system
  • Sleep better with this tablet that calms your nerves and relaxes your mind.

  •  बर्नेट के फेरम फॉस्फोरिकम के साथ अपने खून की कमी और ऊर्जा को बहाल करें। 
  • बीमारी और चोट से तेजी से उबरें।
  • इस टैबलेट के साथ दस्त और खून बहना बंद करें।
  • अपनी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को बढ़ाकर बर्नेट के फेरम फॉस के साथ बुखार, गले में खराश और सिरदर्द से लड़ें।
  •  इस टैबलेट के साथ बेहतर नींद लें जो आपकी नसों को शांत करती है और आपके दिमाग को आराम देती है।

  • অসুস্থতা এবং আঘাত থেকে দ্রুত পুনরুদ্ধার করুন।
  • এই প্রদাহ বিরোধী এবং প্রশান্তিদায়ক ওষুধের মাধ্যমে আপনার জয়েন্ট, কাঁধ এবং কাশি সহজ করুন।
  •   এটি আপনাকে আপনার মূত্রের স্বাস্থ্য এবং যোনিপথের শুষ্কতা উন্নত করতে সহায়তা করে।
  •  এই ট্যাবলেটটি দিয়ে ডায়রিয়া বন্ধ করুন।
  •  আপনার রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বাড়িয়ে Burnett's Ferrum Phos-এর সাথে জ্বর, গলা ব্যথা এবং মাথাব্যথার বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই করুন।
  • এই ট্যাবলেটটি  আপনার স্নায়ুকে শান্ত করে এবং আপনার মনকে শিথিল করে।

For Adults: Use 4 Biochemic Tablets of Burnett’s Ferrum Phosphoricum twice daily.

For Children: Use 2 Biochemic Tablets of Burnett’s Ferrum Phosphoricum twice daily.

Or take medicine as per the direction of the physician.

वयस्कों के लिए: 4 टैबलेट दिन में दो बार लें। 

बच्चों के लिए: 2 टैबलेट दिन में दो बार लें। 

या, चिकित्सक के निर्देशानुसार दवा लें।

প্রাপ্তবয়স্কদের জন্য: প্রতিদিন 4 টি ট্যাবলেট ব্যবহার করুন। 

শিশুদের জন্য: 2 টি ট্যাবলেট প্রতিদিন দুবার ব্যবহার করুন। 

অথবা, চিকিৎসকের  নির্দেশ অনুযায়ী ওষুধ খান।

Burnett’s Ferrum Phosphoricum Biochemic Tablets are highly effective for treating various health problems and are used by renowned homoeopathic doctors nationwide.  These tablets are great for boosting your blood health. They make your blood vessels and arteries stronger and more resilient. They are a powerful solution for haemorrhaging problems and help ease joint pain and stiffness. These tablets can also effectively heal sore throat, cough and cold symptoms.

Highlighted Points

  • Restore your blood loss and energy with Burnett’s Ferrum Phosphoricum.
  • Recover faster from illness and injury.
  • Ease your joint, shoulder, and cough with this anti-inflammatory and soothing medicine.
  • It helps you improve your urinary health and vaginal dryness by supporting the health of your bladder and uterus.
  • Stop diarrhoea and bleeding with this tablet.
  • Fight fever, sore throat and headache with Burnett’s Ferrum Phos by boosting your immune system
  • Sleep better with this tablet that calms your nerves and relaxes your mind.

Please Note

  • Follow the dosage instructions carefully.
  • Store the medicine in a cool and dark place to preserve its quality.
  • Keep it out of reach of children to prevent accidental ingestion.
  • Close the cap tightly after each use to prevent contamination.
  • Ferrum Phosphoricum has no known side effects when used as directed.


For Adults: Use 4 Biochemic Tablets of Burnett’s Ferrum Phosphoricum twice daily.

For Children: Use 2 Biochemic Tablets of Burnett’s Ferrum Phosphoricum twice daily.

Or take medicine as per the direction of the physician.

Information for Doctors

  • Manufactured By: Burnett Research Laboratory, ISO 9001:2015 & GMP Certified Laboratory
  • Laboratory Address (Registered Office): Kalachandpara, Duttapukur, North 24 PGS, West Bengal, Pin: 743248. 
  • Email us at [email protected] 
  • Our Website Address: www.burnettresearchlab.com


  • Manufactured By: Burnett Research Laboratory, ISO 9001:2015 & GMP Certified Laboratory
  • Laboratory Address (Registered Office): Kalachandpara, Duttapukur, North 24 PGS, West Bengal, Pin: 743248. 
  • Email us at [email protected] 
  • Our Website Address: www.burnettresearchlab.com

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